CHF / Stk. inkl. MwSt.
Anzahl (Stk.): Stk.


Featuring a custom smoked-bronze top and brilliant bottom, Pure Alloy Custom crashes are slightly warmer with a bright cut and shimmering response. These crashes have a faster decay due to their medium-thin weight. Size: 19" Type: Crash Styles: Rock/Pop/Fusion/Funk/R&B/Reggae/Studio Timbre: Mid-Dark Character: Complex/Full-bodied/Musical/Sensitive/Smooth/Warm Pitch: Low-Mid Volume: Medium to Low Sustain: Medium Weight: Medium Thin Shaping: Computerized Hammering Finish: Smoked-Bronze/Brilliant Material: Pure Alloy Lathe: Pinpoint Made in: Germany to clean: Meinl Cymbal Cleaner